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osprey odyssey

topic area:
maryland birds
grade level:
4th - 8th
Imagine what it would be like to live as an Osprey! Would it be easy to survive, or would there be challenges? In this interactive game students pretend to live like Osprey and learn about how wildlife conservation efforts have helped them. This lesson can be paired with a short distance learning presentation from MES educators.
lesson details:
This lesson has students play in a game of Osprey "Life." The lesson was originally designed for a large indoor or outdoor space, but has been recreated as a smaller-sized virtual board game in "Prezi."
As modified for e-learning, the lesson includes an activity intro section ("Click Here to Start"), the game, and a wrap-up section ("Click Here to Finish"). The introduction includes information about Cox Creek, where the game is set, about Osprey as a species, and additional detail on how to play the game. The wrap-up section discusses the positive and negative things that affected the "Osprey" (students) during the game and concludes with ideas about how students can take small steps to help Osprey conservation in Maryland.
The lesson includes both the e-learning version on Prezi and a printable document if you wish to play it in person.

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