green leaders
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our education services
The Port of Baltimore provides environmental education and outreach for learners of all ages throughout the state. Our education team provides in-classroom education, field trips, community outreach, and educational support at no cost to schools or the community.
classroom education programs
The Port of Baltimore environmental education team travels to classrooms throughout the state, leading lessons and serving as guest speakers. Schools can choose from a wide variety of lesson plan options when requesting that we come teach. The education teach can also bring adorable terrapin ambassadors to provide students with opportunities to learn about native wildlife up-close. Students in classes 3rd grade and older can handle the terrapins, providing additional opportunities for engagement and learning.
The Port funds the Port of Baltimore Terrapin Education and Research Partnership (TERP) Program, which places diamondback terrapin hatchlings in classrooms across Maryland. Through TERP, students learn about terrapin biology, are more engaged in science, and contribute important citizen science data to researchers at Ohio University. The terrapins they "head start" grow much larger than wild terrapins the same age, potentially increasing their chances of survival in the wild.
field trips &
site tours
The Port provides field trips and site tours at it's restoration sites, including Masonville Cove, Hart-Miller Island, and the acclaimed Poplar Island environmental restoration site. Field trips and tours are free (transportation to the sites is not provided) and the education and informational content can be customized for the age and special interests of each group of visitors. Learn more about the group size limits and the special offerings for each site below ("Where We Work").
community outreach & public presentations
Our educators travel to provide outreach at colleges, community events, club meetings, conferences, and exhibits. We frequently serve as guest speakers at meetings and seminar series, offering presentations on topics related to dredging, the process of environmental restoration, and the positive impacts of restoration on Maryland's native wildlife. We also frequently provide exhibit tables, outreach, and activities at community events. Event organizers can select from a range of educational activities and games.
professional development workshops
Multiple members of the Port of Baltimore environmental education team are certified to teach Project WET, Project WILD, and Project Learning Tree, three nationally-recognized environmental education curricula that provide K-12 education about water conservation, terrestrial and aquatic wildlife, and plant resources. We recently taught a successful workshop at the annual MAEOE conference, and will be offering additional scheduled workshops in future. Our educators can also offer these courses as in-service professional development opportunities for educators.
maeoe green school leadership
The Port of Baltimore can assist schools interested in becoming Green Schools in multiple ways. Several members of our education team are recognized MAEOE Green Leaders and can help schools navigate the Green School application process. We can also help schools lead high-quality environmental education lessons that will help them meet Green School requirements. In addition, the Port of Baltimore can assist schools by serving as a community partner, an organization which partners with Green Schools to help them achieve goals in sustainability.