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a birder

topic area:
maryland birds
grade level:
4th - 12th
Have you seen or heard the beautiful birds that live in and visit Maryland? This lesson encourages people of all ages to explore their surroundings and to search for the birds around them. This can also be paired with a guided bird tour at MPA/MES sites such as Cox Creek, Hart Miller Island, Masonville Cove, or Poplar Island. To request or sign up for one of these tours please reach out to us through the form below.
lesson details:
This lesson plan has been adapted for an individual lesson or group activity that helps students confidently explore and identify the birds living in nature around them. The lesson was originally designed to occur in a large natural area or a guided birding tour at a Port restoration site, but can also be conducted from the comfort of your neighborhood or local park.
This lesson introduces the concepts of bird identification, adaptations of native Maryland birds, and helps participants think critically on how birds are indicators of ecosystem health.
The lesson includes an identification sheet with photos of birds, a list of terms, and recommends the use of binoculars if available. Topics for wrap up, continued discussion, and the incredible use of dredged material in habitat restoration are also included.

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